[TenTec] Re:Orion features

Jim Reid jimr.reid@verizon.net
Sat, 9 Mar 2002 17:45:42 -1000

I am totally spoiled by N4PY software with my Pegasus/
RX-340 set up.  After seeing the photos of the 565,  there
is no way I could use it!  Just too many buttons to be pushed
to accomplish my usual operating steps,  and way too tiny for
my vision,  hi.  IF that serial port on the back puts everything
in the rig under external software control,  and Carl does a
bang up job on the graphic user interface,  then maybe.  But
only after we really know the  specs and operating results
from several months of good user experience.

Only real wish I would have to be added to my Pegasus/RX-340/
N4PY system would be a closer to real time spectrum display;
the present "sweep" set up is,  for me,  not of much use.  Too
slow,  misses the signals most of the time,  as the guy isn't
keying/speaking at the instant the slow scan goes by!

And I agree with the post that my computer monitor is much
easier for me to see/read than the small screen shown on
the Orion photo.  Also,  I suspect the monitor is brighter than
the LCD diplay.  that is really important for my macro degen
impacted vision.  However,  I remain very interested in the
actual operating results that will come from the dual floating
point DSP processors......that is the very interesting part,  hi.

73,  Jim  KH7M