[TenTec] Tuner in Orion

Dale L Martin kg5u@hal-pc.org
Sun, 10 Mar 2002 13:56:27 -0600

> First off, new competition grade transceivers are all out
> of my financial range. But...
> I can understand that not everybody needs a tuner.
> However, some of us use them because antenna space,
> finances, whatever, dictate setting up your antennas for
> either phone or cw, not both. An auto-tuner is a nice
> accessory for the guy running barefoot in S & P mode
> in the non-resonant part of the band. A quick push of
> the button is easier and faster then putting a carrier on
> the band and fiddling with the knobs of a manual tuner.
> Like Dennis Miller, just my opinion, I could be wrong..
> 73 - Mike K9MI

I have no problem whatsoever with people using tuners; I use one
occasionally when I get on 12/17/30.

I do, however, have concerns when the inclusion of a tuner or even it's
availability as an installed option causes the cost of the radio to go up.

It seems to me that with the current state of external automatic tuners,
they would satisfy 99 percent of the user's tuner needs when running
barefoot.  It doesn't raise the cost of the radio to all the radio buyers.

dale, kg5u