[TenTec] ORION at Charlotte

Jim Reid jimr.reid@verizon.net
Tue, 12 Mar 2002 10:07:40 -1000

Aloha Dave,

And thank you so very much for the detail in your
observations of the Orion,  "in the flesh",  hi.

Very pleased to learn that the rig is already operational,
was beginning to think it was still a ways to go in development.

Sounds now as if just minor tweaks are to be done.....then
comes decision time,  to buy or not to buy!  Incidentally,  I
went to the Icom web site and had a good long look at
the Pro II propaganda;  I was not "that" impressed with
their multi-color,  multi-font display.  However,  a software
defined radio with a display I admired very much was the
long gone now,  Softwave radio.  Bought one at Dayton
several years ago;  unfortunately the designers got into
a squabble over market direction,  and the rig passed out of
existence way too soon.  But it had an amazing computer
monitor display system,  including an excellent IF band
spectrum monitor set up.  However,  mine became
inop,  so eventually tossed it.  I never bought a Kachina,
as it didn't strike me as being much different from the
earlier Softwave rig (was being made in San Diego,  as
I recall).

I have just recently,  late December, bought the Ten Tec
RX-340 rcvr,  paired up with a Pegasus via N4PY (Carl
Moreshci) software to form a super station.  However,
will the Orion out perform these two???  That will be
my problem to solve.  I certainly do like the 340 rcvr,
it is very good.  Must somehow figure out the benefit
comparisons between the two set ups;  am sure that
will take some time.  For me,  the major technical
delta seems to be the 16 bit DSP processor in the
RX-340 vs.  the pair of 32 bit processors in the Orion.
I am assuming each of the DSP pairs is devoted only to one
of the two rcvr's;  needed to get all the separate/independent
operating states as you have described I would believe.
I just don't see how any other rcvr can outperform the
Ten Tec RX-340,  however,  in the areas of basic
rcvr performance specifications and actuals.  Just
wonder if the Orion will have the bank of processor
selected 1/2 octave filters at the front end followed
immediately by a selectable high dynamic range
10 dB gain preamp which is then followed by 6 push
pull FET pre-mixer amps just ahead of the first mixer. 
Now that is a Strong front end providing very high
2nd and 3rd order intercept point operation!!

Immediately after the  first mixer are 6 more push pull
FET amps driving into the first pair of 20 kHz  wide
"roofing" filters which eliminate the 1st mixer image
products and the 2nd mixer image;   following these
two filters is another 12 dB gain amp used to recover
losses in the filters,  and so forth.  Just a very detailed
and complete rcvr system design resulting in essentially
absolute "birdie" free operation across all frequency 
ranges and terrific dynamic range performance.

So what will be the difference in rcv performance actually 
between the two designs???

With the N4PY software there is every conceivable combination
of split/dual/etc. operating possibilities with the 340/Pegasus
system I now have.  And,  I have worked all the recent, since Jan.,
DXpeditions split  using them together,  very nice and close
to the first call or so!  Also picked up over a half dozen
entirely new "entities" from this Kauai QTH,  though I
have been "trying harder"  with this new gear,  hi.

Appears Ten Tec will not be ready to accept orders until
late Summer or on into the Fall from what has been said;
just have to wait and see.  I will be watching and reading,
listening to the reactions/comments of all the early buyers
and users of the coming Orion.

Sure do look forward to learning the design "frequency
plan" of the Orion!

Thanks again,  and 73,  Jim  KH7M