[TenTec] Re: Orion & software upgrades scenario
Bill Steffey
Tue, 12 Mar 2002 16:39:30 -0600
Are we ready and willing to PAY 80$- $100 to be able to upload NEW FEATURES
AND BENEFITS a year or two after initial release ??.
All the subtle fixes would be free on the initial Feature Set, yet at some
point are we willing to pay for additional features? The Japanese plan on
NOT having a problem with upgrades. At what point is it fair AND
APPROPRIATE to expect TenTec to be able to charge for additional stuff,
that was NOT sold to us as in the original radio:( Orion or Peg/Jup). I
suppose likewise for Carl's software.
Maybe the Japanese just want to draw a line in the sand. Once shipped,
that's it. New stuff= new radio. TenTec also has too recover software
expense, or maybe Carl will. (This might change the drift of the reflector.)
Also ,,, regarding cosmetics,,,, obviously we TT believers have grown to
accept the "HP Instrument GREY" color of the OMNI. That new black color
might be necessary to bring over another two thousand users to the radio.
We need to accept a fact: not all the world wants what we like or have
grown to accept.
In sales, I have learned that, regrettably, PERCEPTION IS REALITY.....
IF TT is perceived as low tech ...it will sell only as well as low tech.
We need the Orion to be a huge success; and I feel it will appeal to MORE
Current Yaecomwood owners as a black set. I'd prefer it grey. ( color crt
& san serif fonts, subtle name plate)
I AM going to buy a big new radio.