[TenTec] 1892 BULB
Tue, 12 Mar 2002 21:16:15 -0500
Hello All,
In all the excitement concerning the Orion I seemed to miss the origin
of this 1892 bulb issue. Who is looking for one? If you still need a new
bulb to feed to your Corsair please let me know as I have an unopened box of
10 of these bulbs. This has been floating around my closet for MANY years
since I did commercial radio repairs!!! This is one of those cases where I
did not want to throw them away because someone, me included, might need one
some day. I never thought that the need would take 25 years to arise
If this person still needs a bulb - please send me a direct Email and I
will mail (or ship) one or two bulbs. I suppose that it would be faster to
scan the bulb and Email it but my scanner software needs to be updated!!!
Please let me know. 73; Bill
PS: In keeping with the true Ten-Tec fashion there will be no charge for
the bulb or postage (shipping)!!!