[TenTec] R1 and R2 Levels... ???

Jim Reid jimr.reid@verizon.net
Sat, 16 Mar 2002 11:01:20 -1000

> The propagation reports are using new terminology (to me anyway)  to 
> forecast conditions related to radio propagation.  "R1 Level" or "R2 
> Level" (maybe there is an R3 and a R4 too)

Hi Bill,

Yes go to:


At the bottom of that page you will find R1 up to R5 explained;
the reading is based upon recent solar flare events.  Note that
a few other scales are also explained here.  You can link
about to all sorts of solar/radio propagation info from 
this site as well.

Have fun!

73,  Jim  KH7M