[TenTec] Orion commentary
Dale L Martin
Sat, 16 Mar 2002 22:59:51 -0600
Come on, Steve. You can do better than that. He wanted H x W x D, not W x
H x D
dale, kg5u
> -----Original Message-----
> From: tentec-admin@contesting.com [mailto:tentec-admin@contesting.com]On
> Behalf Of Steve Ellington
> Sent: Saturday, March 16, 2002 16:32
> To: Ten-Tec Inc. Amateur Radio Sales; tentec@contesting.com; Bill
> Steffey
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] Orion commentary
> 36"W X 12"H X 17D
> Steve
> N4LQ
> If two wrongs don't make a right, try three.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Bill Steffey" <ny9h@arrl.net>
> To: "Ten-Tec Inc. Amateur Radio Sales" <sales@tentec.com>;
> <tentec@contesting.com>
> Sent: Saturday, March 16, 2002 5:35 PM
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] Orion commentary
> Did anybody get the dimensions of the Orion ????
> H x W x D ?????
> Or could/ would Scott part with this info ???
> Thanks
> bill ny9h
> At 04:21 PM 3/12/02, Ten-Tec Inc. Amateur Radio Sales wrote:
> >Wow, what a weekend. The Orion certainly got a terrific reception at
> >Charlotte.
> >After working the hamfest all day Sunday we drove back over to Tennessee
> and
> >I spent quite a while into the night reading the commentary on the
> >Internet at home
> >Sunday and all day Monday here at the factory.
> >
> >I haven't addressed any feature or spec questions that have been
> brought up
> in
> >Internet commentary only because the only information we have out is
> publicly
> >posted to our web site and anything else is just speculation. There have
> been
> >some comments along the lines of "why didn't it do . . . . " or "will
> >it.." when
> >the radio possibly already does, or will. More information and tech
> >specs will
> >be coming over the next couple of months.
> >
> >I wanted to clear up a few things about Orion that I have read
> on the 'net
> >already:
> >
> >(paraphrasing):
> > >Gold trim. It has gold trim. Gold trim, good. Gold trim, bleech.
> >
> >I read the comments on the Orion trim color with quite a bit of surprise,
> and
> >kept waiting for the message that said "Huh? I was at
> Charlotte. There's
> no
> >gold trim on that radio!"
> >
> >There is no gold trim on the Orion. I don't know how this got
> started, but
> I
> >repeat: there is NO gold trim. If you saw a picture with gold trim, it
> >must have
> >just been weird lighting in the building. The trim on the Orion is
> >chrome-nickel.
> >It is shiny. It is also very SILVER in color. Not
> >gold. Silver. "Mirror" finish.
> >No gold trim. It is the same knob color that is in use on the RX-350
> >receiver.
> >The ORION nameplate on the front under the meter is also chrome-nickel
> >in color. The reason we elected to use these knobs is the uniformly
> positive
> >commentary we had about them vis a vis the RX-350 receiver.
> >
> >(paraphrasing):
> > >Display this, display that. Color. Monochrome. Blue. Grey. Etc.
> >
> >I posted a message to the reflector before we even left for Charlotte
> stating
> >that the display for the Orion was not done. Neither the physical screen
> in
> >use for the radio, nor anything that appears on it is final. That goes
> >for the
> >spectrum scope, freq display, literally everything. We have more screens
> to
> >test yet. We'll be putting in a lot of time on the layout/design aspect
> >of what's
> >on the screen in the coming weeks. I'd say, don't read anything into any
> >of the
> >comments - positive or negative - about the Orion screen and
> what is shown
> >on it. It's going to change.
> >
> >(paraphrasing):
> > >The tuning knob feel was exactly like that on a boombox - no weight,
> > >impossible to "spin"
> >
> >Both of the tuning knobs are weighted and are identical (except for the
> >chrome-nickel trim ring) to those used on the Omni-VI Plus.
> Just like the
> >Omni's, you cannot grab our knobs and spin them down the band until they
> >come to a stop. This is a combination of the adjustable drag feature on
> the
> >knob and mechanical resistance within the tuning encoders themselves.
> >Like the Omni's, you will have to place your hand on the tuning knob and
> turn
> >it to move up and down the band rather than just free spinning it.
> >
> >K8VT wrote:
> > >I'm probably wrong, but I think many of us believed (or hoped) that at
> > >least part of the >reason for this "pre-introduction" release was done
> >exactly TO generate comments and >feedback before everything gets
> > >chiseled in stone.
> >
> >No, you're absolutely right. We wanted feedback on the direction of the
> >radio.
> >See my comments at the bottom.
> >
> >(paraphrasing):
> > >The AF knob is not on the bottom row of controls.
> >
> >This is incorrect. Both the MAIN AF and SUB AF knobs are on the bottom
> >row of knobs, directly above the large tuning knob closest to the screen.
> >
> >(paraphrasing):
> > >Ten-Tec didn't put a PS/2 keyboard connector on the Orion like on the
> > Jupiter
> >
> >True. We never used the connector on the Jupiter. We had anticipated
> >keyboard control of the Jupiter, but unfortunately another company has a
> >patent
> >on connecting a keyboard to a radio transceiver and we were never able to
> come
> >to an agreement to license it. This apparently won't be
> resolved, and we
> >left the
> >PS/2 connector off of the Orion. The PS/2 on the Jupiter has no
> function.
> >
> >(paraphrasing):
> > >Ten-Tec better get it in gear if they're going to sell the Orion at
> Dayton.
> >
> >We're not. We've said all along there is no anticipated
> delivery date for
> >Orion
> >and that's still the case. It will be available later in 2002.
> There is
> >a colossal
> >amount of programming to be done yet.
> >
> >(paraphrasing):
> > >Are the Jupiter and Pegasus discontinued?
> >
> >Not a chance!
> >
> >I find it very interesting that much of the discussion of the radio has
> >centered
> >solely on cosmetics, as the Japanese manufacturers have done an excellent
> job
> >of selling various pieces equipment for many years that are cosmetically
> sharp
> >but performance wise may not have met up to what Ten-Tec was currently
> >offering at the time. We've taken the opposite route for a
> very long time
> >- performance and ergonomics first, 'look' second. Maybe even third or
> >fourth.
> >Unfortunately, it has not served us well and we must change to respond to
> the
> >demands of the marketplace. Performance is extremely important,
> but there
> is
> >also a very sizable proportion of the amateur population that is
> interested
> in
> >whether the radio looks appealing to them and the performance can be
> secondary
> >as long as it's within the same realm of other comparable rigs. Ten-Tec
> >MUST respond to that sentiment because we MUST have those hams as
> >customers if Orion is going to be a success for us. Presently, we don't!
> >
> >Some of this sentiment has even been expressed by some of the Ten-Tec
> >'faithful' here on the reflector, in reverse. Comments like
> "I'm not going
> to
> >buy a Ten-Tec radio that looks like ...XYZ" of course, I'm
> disappointed by
> >that. And my reaction is to say, I'm sorry we can't come up
> with anything
> >performance-wise that's going to overcome the way you feel - but
> that just
> >proves my point above, that cosmetics are a serious issue and performance
> >often will take a back seat no matter how good the radio will operate!
> >
> >We WILL have super high end performance and features that are superior to
> >the JA radios and cosmetics comparable to the fit and finish with the
> Orion.
> >Ten-Tec can't be 'as good' we have to be BETTER. There are some of you
> >reading this that are going to vehemently disagree with me on
> these points
> >(and already have) - and I understand.
> >
> >The commentary from the Charlotte hamfest and the initial
> reaction over the
> >Internet this weekend has convinced me that for performance and cosmetics
> >that we are very much on the right track with the Orion to be a
> big winner
> >for the hobby.
> >
> >Thanks again,
> >
> >Scott Robbins, W4PA
> >Amateur Radio Product Manager
> >
> >
> >
> >-----------------------------------------------------------------
> >Ten-Tec, Inc., 1185 Dolly Parton Pkwy, Sevierville, TN 37862 USA
> > Contact Mon-Fri Eastern: Office/Tech (865) 453-7172 9 am-5 pm.
> > Repair (865) 428-0364 8-4. Sales (800) 833-7373 9 am-5:30 pm.
> > Fax (865) 428-4483 24 hrs. Visit us at <http://www.tentec.com>
> >
> > --->--->---> Please note: E-mail <sales@tentec.com> for sales
> > and general product info only. We presently do not offer
> > repair, parts, or kit building tech support by electronic mail,
> > please telephone (865) 428-0364 or (865) 453-7172.
> >
> > Ten-Tec manufactures amateur radio equipment, military and com-
> > mercial use HF radio equipment, custom aluminum and steel
> > enclosures and has an on-premises, fully equipped tool and die
> > facility supplying metal and plastic injection mold industries.
> > Potential tool and die, custom enclosure or communications
> > electronics customer? Contact us with your needs.
> >
> >
> >
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