[TenTec] For Sale: CW Filter and Noise Blanker
Tue, 19 Mar 2002 07:46:30 -0500
Good Morning TT Afficionados!
I have two items for sale that I would like to offer to the members here:
Model 245 CW Filter.
CW Filter for the Triton 540/544 series transceivers. It is a plug-in
assembly with four active operational ampifier stages.
150 Hz at half power point, CW-1 Position
260 Hz at half power point, CW-2 position
Easily installed with a copy of documentation. Plug and Play. Makes a
nice difference for the CW QRM.
$55 shipped Stateside
Model 249 Noise Blanker.
Noise Blanker for the Triton 540/544 series transceiver. Plug and Play
Very effective on pulsating ignition noise and line noise.
$55 shipped Stateside.
If interested, please contact me at: Richard.Knox@Veridian.com
Thanks and 73! de KD4BRL Dick Knox