[TenTec] Triton 540 available

McCombs, David David.McCombs@COMPAQ.com
Fri, 22 Mar 2002 08:39:29 -0600

Just bought a new Omni and need to sell my Triton IV model 540 and 262G
AC supply. The 540 has the model 245 cw filter and the model 249 Noise
Blanker installed. Vox unit on the 262G works fine.   Units are a good 7
cosmetics and a 10 in performance.   Email me for details.=20
Would like to get $275.00 - shipped.  -  make reasonable offer.
Also,  could someone recommend a good soundcard software for digital
modes.  I have been attempting to use HamScope with my Paragon and it
just does not work well.  Thanks.
Dave  K5FNG  k5fng@arrl.net

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