[TenTec] Century 21 keying

Irvin A Weinman iawein2@cox.net
Wed, 27 Mar 2002 11:56:27 -0700

Can someone help me with a keying problem with the C-21? With a dummy
load, the keying is perfect, but with the antenna connected and
loaded,on any band, apparently r.f. is getting into the keying circuit,
because the keying clips and becomes chirpy.  Is there some place I can
filter or bypass to eliminate the problem? I am feeding an SGC smart
tuner on the roof of my condo with 40 feet of RG58. The antenna is a
sloper in the tree. There is a counterpoise on the flat roof. Toroids in
the keying lead and in the a.c. line do not seem to help.  Irv W7GX