[TenTec] (LONG) for sale - OMNI VI, OMNI VI+, Corsair II, etc.
Brien Pepperdine
Tue, 26 Mar 2002 12:10:29 -0500 (EST)
I am selling off most of my Ten-Tec gear now. Pretty much
all is going, since I am moving on in life somehow differently it appears.
I am sort of 'done' with playing with technology - back to wood and
sharpened steel for fun.
I have reached the point where major changes in interest in operation and
life focus make we want to clear things out and concentrate differently.
Some things have built up here and my distance from T-T and complexities
dealing with a distant service depot (see below) have made things
accumulate/be replaced 'for now'/sit waiting 'to be dealt with'.
Canadians with American friends/relatives/ or living near the border might
be particulary interested!!
SOME of this stuff will need minor touch-up operationally at T-T. Because
it is a REAL
hassle (and $$$) to ship from Toronto to T-T for repair and back via
UPS/Fed-EX (due to cross
border customs brokerage costs, inability of U.S Post to insure values
required makes UPS/FeEx required and I don't accept their methods of
brokerage fees!; plus 15% tax on repair cost!),I wish to pre-sell and ship
the repaired
units directly from T-T in those cases. In the repair situations I have
spoken with T-T
and we believe the problems are identified. Buyers can talk to me on email
I no longer live in a house that can tolerate what became a too large
accumulation of radios to 'see how they were' and we no longer live
half-time elsewhere, with a radio or two here and there. Houses change,
life commitments merge... so here goes.
Email me if you are interested in anything below and we can talk on prices
and whether you wish to have T-T to interact on things or do it yerself!
Prices will be based on recent List sales, what T-T will pay for trade-in
value etc... to be fair.
OMNI V - very good shape, has a problem with the ALC or foldback circuit
kicking in after some time of operation, causing shutdown.
OMNI VI+ ver.1- excellent shape, except that on 15 m it has internal
rectification of FM broadcast station (CBC here) at broadcasting at 99.1
Mhz, in the area
of 21.038. I believe if you only operated SSB and not in the CW range, or
don't have a 99.1 FM station nearby (CBC is 9 km. from me) it would be
fine. T-T believes the PIN switching diodes need replacement.
(this is a fine rig and I am sad to sell it after wanting one for quite
some time and finally finding one locally, but I the previous owner was
SSB only and rural/not from around here and
this internal fault or how/when it happened was not known to him I would
suspect. I do CW and it is a
major problem for me but
rather than do a full T-T repair cycle I prefer to sell outright).
(This will be sold with its own 1800 HZ ssb filter as I got it recently).
T-T 500 hz 1st IF filter for V or VI+
T-T 250 hz 'narrow' IF for V or VI+
218 1800 hz SSB filter
288 1800 hz SSB filter
T-T 961 power supply - has some transformer lamination hum but is fine if
set up NOT on desk!
T-T Delta II - all OK, sold with matching 963 power supply. Excellent
shape and the backlight DOES work. Great radio but no around here seems to
comprehend it for what it is - a nice HF ham and general coverage rig.
T-T OMNI C - all fine, sold with 251 power supply ( I think) and the
matching T-T external speech synthesizer for freq. announcement. GREAT for
a visually impaired operator. This was my first real HF rig from almost a
decade but time for it to go now along with all the other changes here.
This has a 500 hz filter in it for CW but will remove if buyer is not CW
T-T Corsair II - was my spare rig for some time, OK shape (some scratches
on front), but does
suffer sometime from power drop out on occasion. Will have to speak with
T-T on that.
(I am keeping my other Corsair II as my only remaining HF rig, by the way.
Corsair II is a rig that rocks!)
Argosy II Digital with power supply (I use my K2 now).
Drake TR7 with power supply and AM, 500 and 300 hz filters.
Brien Pepperdine
Amateur Radio Station VE3VAW Toronto, Ontario Canada
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