[TenTec] Omni V sensitive components.

n4lq@iglou.com n4lq@iglou.com
Thu, 28 Mar 2002 14:35:06 -0500

So does the new Orion have an aluminum case? I never did understand 
TenTec's lack of shielding. The old Omni series had contact paper 
covering the joints of the top and bottom covers plus plastic washers 
under the screw heads as if they were trying to isolate the covers from 
the frame. I was always taught to be sure the covers were well grounded 
to the chassis and TT does just the opposite. What's the deal?

-----Original Message-----
From: "Stuart Rohre" <rohre@arlut.utexas.edu>
To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2002 13:05:49 -0600
Subject: [TenTec] Omni V sensitive components.

> Most rigs, in aluminum cases, are not intended to be placed next to a
> strong
> magnetic field.  The Omni V and any rig with RF coils can be affected
> by
> strong nearby fields passing thru cases that do not shield magnetic
> field.
> There is no problem with the components inside the Omni V, it is a
> matter of
> circuit board layout, use of aluminum cabinets that provide little
> magnetic
> field attenuation, and desire of hams today to place everything on the
> same
> operating desk level, while years ago, hams were usually taught to
> separate
> the power supply from the rig.  When power supplies were as large as
> rigs,
> they were often place under the desk, or otherwise out of the way, and
> incidentally well spaced so that magnetic fields did not reach the RF
> part
> of the transmitter or receiver.  In a number of Ten Tec models, this
> spacing
> can be accomplished while having side by side power supply and rig, by
> placing the supply on the Right of the Transceiver.  Although I do not
> have
> a Ten Tec power supply to know this, I suspect Ten Tec put their large
> power
> transformer to the Right of the power supply layout, thus it would end
> up
> spaced away from the rig if the rig is to the left.
> 73, Stuart K5KVH
> 73,
> Stuart K5KVH
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