[TenTec] Omni V sensitive components.

Bill Steffey ny9h@arrl.net
Thu, 28 Mar 2002 14:52:13 -0600

the old color brochures showed the paragon 585 & Corsair II; with the 960 
power supply on the left side, with the early TiTan on the right side of 
the xcvr.
By the time the OMNI V came along, the cover shot had the Paragon on the 
left, the TiTan in the middle, with the PS 961 on the far right.... Hmmmmmm
I well remember having to move the PS to the right, and I was disappointed..

At 01:05 PM 3/28/02, Stuart Rohre wrote:
>Most rigs, in aluminum cases, are not intended to be placed next to a strong
>magnetic field.  The Omni V and any rig with RF coils can be affected by
>strong nearby fields passing thru cases that do not shield magnetic field.
>There is no problem with the components inside the Omni V, it is a matter of
>circuit board layout, use of aluminum cabinets that provide little magnetic
>field attenuation, and desire of hams today to place everything on the same
>operating desk level, while years ago, hams were usually taught to separate
>the power supply from the rig.  When power supplies were as large as rigs,
>they were often place under the desk, or otherwise out of the way, and
>incidentally well spaced so that magnetic fields did not reach the RF part
>of the transmitter or receiver.  In a number of Ten Tec models, this spacing
>can be accomplished while having side by side power supply and rig, by
>placing the supply on the Right of the Transceiver.  Although I do not have
>a Ten Tec power supply to know this, I suspect Ten Tec put their large power
>transformer to the Right of the power supply layout, thus it would end up
>spaced away from the rig if the rig is to the left.
>73, Stuart K5KVH
>Stuart K5KVH
>TenTec mailing list