[TenTec] delta II backlight the final story and ordering instructions

mike bryce prosolar@sssnet.com
Wed, 01 May 2002 12:56:17 -0400

Boys and girls  

here's the final poop!

the final count is 16 pcs  from the factory. there are no more left.

I had a sample sent to me for sizing and operational tests.

the sample is quite bright and is the correct color.

there are a few quirks however

the pins for power are not long enough to wrap around the pc board. that
problem has been fixed with a small jumper that plugs into the lamp and then
wired into the pc board.

And you can see the outline of the keplar tape along the edges. Wallmart
sells, and I suppose just about any other place too, a photo laminate kit
for photographs. a 5 x7 kit is about $2.50. the laminate kit will seal the
lamp and protect the lcd from the lamp driver voltage. it would seem to work
better than the keplar tape.

I will cut the lamps to size. And supply the necessary wires with the 3
terminal header. Instructions will be included for installing the new lamp
inside the delta II or argonaut II.

If you don't know what you're doing inside a complex piece of electronic
equipment like the delta II, then you should pass on the lamp. Or have
someone who is qualified install it for you.

The price for the new lamp, with instructions, tape and jumper wire with
header is $35

I need at least 10 people to purchase the lamps

to order the lamp, I can take payment by check, money order or visa,
mastercard. I don't use that PAYPAL nonsense.

give me a call at 330 832 3114
Mike Bryce WB8VGE
SunLight Energy Systems


"Electricity at the speed of light"