[TenTec] 1320
Simmons, Reid W
Thu, 2 May 2002 11:09:31 -0700
When I built my 1320 about 4 years ago, I used good quality sockets for all
of the ICs (even the audio!). If you need to replace any of the ICs in your
unit due to the reversed voltage, I would strongly suggest sockets at this
point. Circuit boards can not tolerate a lot soldering and desoldering.
Reid, K7YX
-----Original Message-----
From: Shawn Upton [mailto:kb1ckt@yahoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2002 9:59 AM
To: tentec@contesting.com
Subject: [TenTec] Re: TenTec digest, Vol 1 #420 - 18 msgs
I did the same exact thing. I called Ten Tec, and
they wound up shipping me the parts to repair it.
Most of the IC's, and the final, got toasted. I don't
think any diodes or passive devices were damaged,
though. However, if you blew a hole in the final,
check the board traces and make sure you didn't melt
one. Also, check the biasing stuff around the final;
in particular if it has a molded choke. Those guys
can open up under high current; I didn't lose one, but
I didn't have reverse power for very long!
For the second go, I added a 1N4001 diode in series
with the power lead, inside the radio. No more
problem with reverse power! If you are worried about
the power loss, use a fuse and a reverse biased diode.
Shawn Upton
Pembroke NH
Message: 12
From: "Ronald E Bloss" <ron@bloss.org>
To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 21:58:50 -0500
Subject: [TenTec] T-kit 1320
Hello all. I have a Ten-Tec Model 1320 kit I built
and used for some =
months. Last Christmas I received a new portable
power supply for my =
QRP stuff. As all things like this go I was not
concentrating on the =
task at hand due to all the distractions of the
holidays etc and being
unfamiliar with my new power supply you can guess what
happened next.
Yep, I reversed the power polarity to the 1320.
Does anyone have any experience with this happening to
a T-Kit? Can =
anyone give me a good idea of the parts I am likely to
have to replace
or can someone just say "Sorry, it's junk. Chalk it
up to learning."
I =
know the final is gone because of the big hole in it
but there doesn't
seem to be any other visible physical damage. There's
no audio.
I will be in Sevierville in a couple of weeks on
vacation and I plan to
stop by the factory (just a side note there, hint hint
factory guys) so
I am hoping to pick up if not the parts a new kit to
replace it.
Love my Pegasus and RX-320 (got them for Christmas
this past year).
Ron Bloss, KB=D8FQM
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