[TenTec] Jupiter Questions
Bill Nicolson
Mon, 6 May 2002 08:39:03 -0400
I received my new Jupiter on Friday!! Played on and off over the weekend
and even checked into the Ten Tec users net on Sunday. The Jup is really
slick on CW,
its a pleasure to operate. On SSB I listened to my signal using my Paragon
and the audio
sounds very nice also. Any way here are my questions.
1. I'm using the 705 desk mic and would like to get an idea what other
Jupiter owners using the 705 mic
are setting the mic gain, speech processor and high boost settings to?
2. Is there rig control in Jupiter mode? Or do you have to go into Pegasus
mode to get data from
the radio?
TNX es 73 de Bill N2WF
Bill Nicolson - N2WF - K2 #1764
Colonia - New Jersey
E-Mail - n2wf@arrl.net
Web - http://www.qsl.net/n2wf