[TenTec] Orion show and tell

bill ny9h ny9h@attbi.com
Mon, 06 May 2002 18:29:53 -0500

hey that's marketing !!!!   This is Tentec...

To quote a friend; they should provide a radio to a rep ( like me)
to demo it at local hamfests.....either keep the radfo or get paid some 
minor commission ( as a sales rep)...to show demo & sell
I used to sell instrumentation !!! to end users
   sort of the same thing...

hope they'll let me near the thing next week ...
i hope ... i hope it's a demo we can play with at dayton...
It's my main objective ! ( or maybe buying the new big Icom )
At 05:01 PM 5/6/02, Michael A. Newell, WB4HUC wrote:
>You know what Ten Tec ought to do...
>Assuming that the prototype they're
>showing at the hamfests is a fully working
>model, they ought to reserve a meeting
>room at each hamfest and give a live
>presentation to show it off. I bet they'd
>have a standing room only crowd
>every time.
>Hook up a couple of Tital II's, a couple
>of antennas, show off the 2-radio mode,
>diversity reception,  simultaneous dual
>receive, and all the other neat stuff.
>Just an idea....
>Mike - WB4HUC
>Austin, TX
>TenTec mailing list