[TenTec] Corsair PTO Rebuild ?

Mike kc8wr@bright.net
Wed, 8 May 2002 22:11:19 -0400


I just rebuilt(?) my first PTO last night.  I didn't have to replace any
parts in mine, they all looked to be in good shape.  All I did was clean
everything real good and replace the grease in mine.  It wasn't hard to do,
takes about 2 hours.  But I had a little bit of a head start, mine was
already partially dis-mantled.  I had already taken it apart for some other
repairs so it was only a matter of going just a little further.

One word of warning that I received from many that answered my posting about
the rebuild.  Be very careful when you take it apart.  There are three small
ball bearings in the tuning shaft (front end) don't loose them and work on a
surface that would prevent them from rolling off and getting lost.  A white
towel was one suggestion.  There was also a small washer and a plastic stop
hiding in the grease (rear end smaller spring shaft).  If I had not been
going very slow and paying CLOSE ATTENTION I probably would have lost them.
There is also a small "pin" in the worm gear that you should be very careful
with when removing it.  Other than that it was pretty simple.  If I ever do
another one it won't take nearly as long.

I am going to order at least one of the PTO rebuild kits from TenTec, to
have it "just in case" and to have the parts layout drawing that TenTec puts
in the rebuild kit.  I suppose it would be nice to have the kit, just to
cover any surprises that may be lurking, one never knows.

I used the Lube Gel that Radio Shack sells for $2.99 for a 3 ounce tube.
But it has been suggested that a good bicycle lube such as that made by Phil
Woods and sold at bicycle shops is just as good.  Both were suggested by
others that have used them.

My second warning...if you get a email from Jay - KM6VX....don't listen to
him, washing the parts in gasoline and lubricating with PORK Fat is not a
good idea.  That was his suggestion to me.  I didn't listen him either.

I would think that anyone that has any mechanical ability and pays CLOSE
attention to what they are working with, should be able to accomplish this
It is definitely something that you want to do in ONE sitting and be very

I did cheat a little bit, I have a digital camera and took pictures as I
removed things and then loaded them on the computer.  On a 17 inch flat
screen things look really neat, nice and clear and it simplified things.

Hope this helps you, I know all the replies I received helped a lot here.
Good luck.

Mike - KC8WR

----- Original Message -----
From: Douglas Snowden <snowden@peoplepc.com>
To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2002 10:46 PM
Subject: [TenTec] Corsair PTO Rebuild ?

How hard is this?  Mine is a little stiff in places and
also I seem to experience some warbling on rx signals.

Doug N4IJ

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