[TenTec] Paragon Station for Sale

Graham Shortreed gshortreed@sprint.ca
Fri, 17 May 2002 15:32:42 -0700

I  have for sale, a complete PARAGON station for sale.
The radio puts out 100 watts.
The Amplifier puts out 500 watts.
All equipment is about an 8 to 8.5 in appearance, with no visible marks =
on the front panels.  There are however a few minor scratches on the top =
of the radio and the amp.

The equipment is as follows.
PARAGON Model 585 HF transceiver
Radio has the 2.4/1.8/500 filters installed
No FM board or RS232 board
TEN TEC Model 960 Power supply
$795.00 USD for the above setup.

Hercules model 420 Solid State Amp
Model 9420 Power supply
$1200.00 USD for the pair

Model 238 antenna tuner
$275.00 USD

Manuals for all, with connecting cables for amp etc.
Original shipping boxes not available, but all items will be properly =
packaged for shipping from South Western British Columbia.

Shipping costs not included.

Many thanks to those in the group that helped me with the prices.


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