[TenTec] Dayton and the 516
Steve Ellington
Fri, 17 May 2002 22:12:20 -0400
Yes, the meter on that 516 is a real scream. Looks like the painted the
numbers on the plastic face plate and the needle is against a blank, white
background, the ultimate in parallax error. It was so outstanding that I
didn't notice anything else. Doesn't any supplier out there make a better
meter? Where do these things come from?
Steve Ellington N4LQ.
----- Original Message -----
From: "J. Duffy Beischel" <duffyb01@fuse.net>
To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, May 17, 2002 8:27 PM
Subject: [TenTec] Dayton and the 516
> Well I was disappointed when the higher price was announced for the 516.
Now that I have seen the rig up close at
> Dayton today, in my opinion, it is very overpriced. They had the rig
opened up for all to see plus another rig that you
> could play with. The meter was crooked, and the rig just did not have
that quality look to it. $595 would have been a
> fair price, $695 pushing it a bit, $795 - they're kidding. The only thing
going for it is that you can update the firmware.
> I'm not bashing TT, as I have been happy with my Paragon II, Omni VI+ and
my Jupiter and have been a big supporter.
> Just my opinion of the radio.
> Duffy
> ______________________________________________________________________
> J. Duffy Beischel - Amateur Radio WB8NUT - http://www.wb8nut.com
> Member of: ARRL, NRA, Kiwanis, Republican Party, Masons, and Shriners
> and the vast Right Wing conspiracy to get the Clintons
> "If the government owned all the guns, would we still be a free people?"
> "Taxation WITH Representation is not that great either."
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