[TenTec] any real live reports yet?

Jim Reid jimr.reid@verizon.net
Tue, 28 May 2002 14:44:53 -1000

Don't believe I have ever seen a rig as big as the
Orion is said to be!!  Reported size dimensions are:
5¼ in high × 17 in wide × 20 in deep (including
knobs and heat sink) .

The face plate of 5 1/4 x 17 is pretty much as most rigs;
however,  that 20 inch depth is HUGE!  Am planning
the spot on my operating table now,  and might have
to cut a hole in the wall behind,  else pull everything
forward on the table so all the "fronts" line up.

The Omni VI,  with knobs and heat sink is about
5 3/4 x 14 3/4 x 17,  just for comparison sake.

20 " ???  Has anyone noticed the size at one of the showings?
Is it really that deep?

73,  Jim  KH7M