[TenTec] The twenty meter user's net
Mark Erbaugh
Mon, 4 Nov 2002 08:12:24 -0500
The net is now gone, but count me in on reviving it, I did enjoy it. I don't
have an amp, but I'd be willing to serve as NCS when I can make it. I didn't
volunteer when Will, K5BMW, asked for help as my wife and I were attending a
series of meetings at our church at net time. Those meetings are over and
that time is available. But now, I am participating in the Jupiter / Pegasus
I think Jerry's goal is 2300 - 2400 UTC for the Jupiter / Pegasus net, but
it usually lasts longer than an hour. 0100 or 0200 might be a good time,
though we might still bump into suppertime for the western time zones. It
seems like propagation is still holding up on 20m at night, though that
might change as the sunspots decline.
Another alternative would be a Saturday or Sunday afternoon on 17m if nets
are allowed on 17m. It seems to have pretty good propagation and is less
crowded. Of course, that would knock out some older non-WARC band radios.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael A. Newell, WB4HUC" <mnewell1@austin.rr.com>
To: "tentec" <tentec@contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, November 03, 2002 19:55 PM
Subject: [TenTec] The twenty meter user's net
> I've listened on Sunday afternoons off and on for
> the past couple of months and have not heard
> the net, so I'm assuming it's defunct.
> I had just let my OMNI VI go around the end of
> June, and it was six weeks before Ten Tec
> sent me a new radio. During that time I was off
> the air, and when I got back on, it seemed that
> the net was gone.
> I know Will had announced that he was relinquishing
> net control duties, but I was surprised that no one else
> volunteered.
> If the net is defunct, is there any interest in reviving
> it?
> I know about the 40-meter Pegasus/Jupiter net,
> but they like to keep topics limited to just the
> software radios (Pegasus,Jupiter,Argonaut V,
> and upcoming Orion).
> If there is interest in reviving the old net, I'll
> volunteer to coordinate things.
> First, we need a time. I know a lot of folks
> couldn't make it on our old net time, which was
> 2300Z during standard time, and 220Z during
> daylight savings time.
> Also, the 40 meter net is meeting at different times
> to try to find a time when they're least bothered by
> BCB and other interference. Right now the 40 meter
> net is meeting at 2300Z so we'd need a time that
> wouldn't conflict.
> We also need a different frequency. We were getting
> clobbered on 14.267. Maybe we could move up the
> band, between 14.320 and 14.350 if we can find
> a clear spot. I used to keep an eye on 14.328 during
> our old net time, and it always seemed clear. But
> that's just an example, perhaps there's a better
> place.
> Finally, we need volunteers for net control.
> I'd like to have four or five people besides myself who
> could volunteer for net control duties, and it would
> be nice if we could have one on each end of the
> country during each net session.
> If we got enough volunteers, each of us would only
> be serving as net control about once a month, and
> I think that's pretty reasonable.
> Jay and Will did a heck of a job over the past four years,
> and I hate to see all that effort go by the wayside.
> So if anyone is interested in starting up again, let
> me know. All we need is a time, a place, and enough
> net control volunteers.
> Thank you,
> Mike Newell - WB4HUC
> Austin, TX
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