[TenTec] Re: [QRPp-I] Argonaut V/516 Supply Voltage sensitivity. >=12.0Vdc

Sam Ulbing n4uautoo@sprynet.com
Sat, 2 Nov 2002 05:04:11 -0500

See my article in QST July 1997 page 40 to boost 5 volts to 12. No RFI. It
evolved in  to a booster for people on boats who have laptops that need more
than 12 volts as shown on my web page http://n4uautoo.home.sprynet.com .
Idle current about 50 ma max current in 5 amps. Power out about 90% of power
73 de N4UAU
----- Original Message -----
From: Stuart Rohre <rohre@arlut.utexas.edu>
To: <tentec@contesting.com>; Ten-Tec Argo V/516
<ten-tec516@yahoogroups.com>; HFPack <hfpack@yahoogroups.com>; QRP-L
<qrp-l@lehigh.edu>; QRPp-I <QRPp-I@yahoogroups.com>; Ron McConnell
Cc: Leo W4RRY Lehner <w4rry@fastq.com>; W2IOL <w2iol@arrl.net>;
Sent: Friday, November 01, 2002 6:04 PM
Subject: Re: [QRPp-I] Argonaut V/516 Supply Voltage sensitivity. >=12.0Vdc

> One solution might be to get a DC to DC converter that will take in
> even lower than 12 and produce a steady 12 output.  However, I do not know
> the RFI specs on them.
> 73, Stuart K5KVH