[TenTec] The twenty meter user's net
Edward Crawford
Mon, 4 Nov 2002 23:12:45 -0500
Hi, Mike and the group.
FB on everything. 0100Z is OK with me, actually that is the time I am mos=
t likely to be in the shack anyway. Kind of a night owl here. As long as =
the propagation will hold up it is fine with me.
I reread what I said in my earlier message about "not the same day as the=
40M net", what I meant to say was not the same time. I think it was brai=
n fade.
Only a couple things I can think of about the upper end of the 20M band. =
One thing is some antennas are designed to be resonant lower in the band.=
They hit the SWR curve up near the end of the band. Mine is an easy touc=
h up with the tuner though. The other thing is that portion of the band i=
s often filled with the non English speaking stations and they are known =
to come on an occupied frequency and start carrying on a QSO regardless o=
f what else is going on at the time. I guess we would just have to deal w=
ith that if the problem ever arose.
Anyway, all is fine with me. I am pretty flexible about everything really=
. I don't care if it's 9 in the morning or 9 at night, 10 meters or 80 me=
ters. Let's just do this thing!
cul. 73. Ed, W4WVW...
----- Original Message -----
From: Michael A. Newell, WB4HUC
Sent: Monday, November 04, 2002 8:09 PM
To: Edward Crawford
Subject: Re: [TenTec] The twenty meter user's net
Thanks for the reply, and for volunteering. I just posted a
message to the reflector regarding the replies I've received
so far.
Right now 0100Z looks like the popular time, but that might
be a bit late for the east coast folks. So I'm waiting for more
opinions, if there are any.
So if we can find a time and freq., it looks like we'll be back
on the air.
----- Original Message ----- =20
From: Edward Crawford =20
To: Michael A. Newell, WB4HUC =20
Sent: Sunday, November 03, 2002 9:11 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] The twenty meter user's net
Hello, Mike.
I am glad to see some interest in getting the 20M net back on the air. It=
just seems the 40M net is geared more towards the technical aspects of t=
he computer controlled rigs and thus far has not been open to general Ten=
Tec information and is just not nearly as much fun as the old net.
I posted a query on the list a while back to see if there was any interes=
t in getting the 20M net back on and was surprised to see there were no r=
eplies whatsoever.
I would gladly volunteer to take NCS duties if we can get some others to =
fill in the other spots. Like you say, we would need to have 4 or 5 stati=
ons so 1 or 2 don't get stuck with picking it up every weekend or whateve=
r day the net will be on.
I don't see any reason it would necessarily have to be held on the weeken=
d and certainly not the same day as the 40M net.
Maybe people would be more likely to have some free time on a weekday eve=
ning as the weekends are usually filled with family activities and chores=
that have to be done around the house.
It seems that the old net frequency has been fairly quiet at the times I =
have monitored since the net has been off the air.
I guess if the quermers don't have anyone to bother, they move somewhere =
else on the band where they can be a pain to someone else. I think any cl=
ear frequency where we can get a foothold on a time slot will do nicely.
My name is Ed Crawford and the call is W4WVW. Previously KF4HON. Licensed=
since 1995 and hold the general class license.
I am located in the state of North Carolina near the city of Winston Sale=
My main and only rig is an old Triton IV model 544 with the 242 external =
VFO. 100 watts to a 5 element Telrex tribander up about 30 feet in the cl=
ear. Was usually able to copy just about any station who came along on th=
e 14.267 net and a few times would relay a station the other guys could n=
ot hear.
I will keep an eye on the list to see what kind of response this gets and=
will look forward to hearing from you.
cul de Ed, W4WVW. vy 73...
----- Original Message -----
From: Michael A. Newell, WB4HUC
Sent: Sunday, November 03, 2002 8:24 PM
To: tentec
Subject: [TenTec] The twenty meter user's net
I've listened on Sunday afternoons off and on for
the past couple of months and have not heard
the net, so I'm assuming it's defunct.
I had just let my OMNI VI go around the end of
June, and it was six weeks before Ten Tec
sent me a new radio. During that time I was off
the air, and when I got back on, it seemed that =20
the net was gone.
I know Will had announced that he was relinquishing
net control duties, but I was surprised that no one else
If the net is defunct, is there any interest in reviving
I know about the 40-meter Pegasus/Jupiter net,
but they like to keep topics limited to just the
software radios (Pegasus,Jupiter,Argonaut V,
and upcoming Orion).
If there is interest in reviving the old net, I'll
volunteer to coordinate things. =20
First, we need a time. I know a lot of folks
couldn't make it on our old net time, which was
2300Z during standard time, and 220Z during
daylight savings time.
Also, the 40 meter net is meeting at different times
to try to find a time when they're least bothered by
BCB and other interference. Right now the 40 meter
net is meeting at 2300Z so we'd need a time that
wouldn't conflict.
We also need a different frequency. We were getting
clobbered on 14.267. Maybe we could move up the
band, between 14.320 and 14.350 if we can find
a clear spot. I used to keep an eye on 14.328 during
our old net time, and it always seemed clear. But
that's just an example, perhaps there's a better
Finally, we need volunteers for net control.
I'd like to have four or five people besides myself who
could volunteer for net control duties, and it would
be nice if we could have one on each end of the
country during each net session. =20
If we got enough volunteers, each of us would only
be serving as net control about once a month, and
I think that's pretty reasonable.
Jay and Will did a heck of a job over the past four years,
and I hate to see all that effort go by the wayside.
So if anyone is interested in starting up again, let
me know. All we need is a time, a place, and enough
net control volunteers.
Thank you,
Mike Newell - WB4HUC
Austin, TX
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