[TenTec] Mic Stand
Edward Crawford
Thu, 7 Nov 2002 18:33:17 -0500
Hi all.
I am in need of a microphone stand. I am using a Electro-Voice model 727=
ceramic mic on my 544 station here. It is identical to the Model 215 and=
similar to the 214 that Ten Tec sold, only this one is Heathkit green. M=
aybe someone has a stand laying around in their junk box that they don't =
need, I would appreciate hearing from you. Tired of having it rolling aro=
und on the desk and having it accidentally throw the switch! Might be wil=
ling to buy the mic and stand if the price was reasonable. Don't need a c=
ollectors item, just something to use.
Thanks and 73. Ed , W4WVW...
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