[TenTec] Rcvr so-called performance figures (lo-o-ong)
George, W5YR
Fri, 08 Nov 2002 12:20:07 -0600
I would expect so, Bob - try it and see. I take an IF signal from the
output of the Post-Mixer amplifier where it feeds the noise blanker. Use a
22 pf cap to RG-174 to a BNC in one of the transverter holes on the rear
panel. From there, any shielded cable to the (preferably) Receive Antenna
input for the radio. Tune the radio to zero beat the IF "carrier" that you
will hear and then just operate the K2 as usual, but with any additional
filtering, etc. from the other radio. Be very careful that transmitting on
the other radio will not put power on your K2 tap point!!
The main advantage is gaining access to the IF-DSP filters, noise
reduction, etc. while retaining the K2 front-end performance.
Another IF output can be taken from the amp that follows the AGC mixer. I
use a 1000 pf cap in series with 75K to a BNC on the other transverter
hole. This output is at about 156 KHz and uses the K2 IF filter, SSB
filter, etc. The main advantage is that the K2 front end performance is
enhanced by the IF filter so some degradation is suffered when not using
the K2 crystal filters. But you still have the other radio filters, etc.
Try both ways and see which you like best. In either case, tune the other
radio to zero beat the large carrier signal - at approximately the IF
frequency of either 4915 or 156 KHz. With the PRO the first method allows
the Spectrum Scope to operate, which is a great help.
Let me know how it turns out!
73/72, George
Amateur Radio W5YR - the Yellow Rose of Texas
In the 57th year and it just keeps getting better!
Fairview, TX 30 mi NE of Dallas in Collin county EM13qe
K2 #489 Icom IC-765 #2349 Icom IC-756 PRO #2121
robert k stephens wrote:
> Hi George
> I'm wondering... Could the same thing be done using a K2 for the front end
> of a Jup/Peg? Would that make a significant improvement?
> 73 & tnx
> Bob KB1CIW
> Scout
> T-4