[TenTec] Twenty Meter User's Net
Michael A. Newell, WB4HUC
Sat, 9 Nov 2002 18:08:08 -0600
"We're putting the band back together..." -Elwood Blues
"We're on a mission from God..." -Joliet Jake Blues
Several folks have volunteered to serve as Net Control
once every few weeks, and since a lot of you
would like to see the net back in action, let's plan on
meeting on Sunday afternoons at 2130Z (1630 Eastern,
1530 Central, and 1330 Pacific time).
Let's try 14.330mhz plus or minus QRM, and see how
it goes. If we need to tweak the net time and frequency
as we go, so be it. But let's get something going then
figure out if we need to change it.
I'm looking forward to hearing everyone back on the
Mike - WB4HUC
Austin, TX
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