[TenTec] Argo V Comments

Stuart Rohre rohre@arlut.utexas.edu
Mon, 11 Nov 2002 17:19:27 -0600

Well, when I had the Argonaut in my hands at Ham Com, there was a nice meter
with SWR scale that should show an indication near the low end, and be
obviously on transmit, when not in receive.

An easy addition to the radio woud be a simple LED with small whip as an RF
sniffer near the back of the radio.  Should be possible, with minimal tuned
scheme, (maybe a small molded RF choke), to develop plenty of RF pickup and
light an LED red when transmitting.  Those junked transistor all band radios
usually have a sensitive meter.  It could be externally mounted as a Field
Strength meter, even remotely like on dash in front of driver of a mobile
Argo V as a transmit indicator.  These also make superior way to tune up
electrically tuned coil mobile antennas, simply tune for max Field Strength!
73, Stuart K5KVH