[TenTec] Scout display problem

William Mansey; WA2PVK res0wsci@verizon.net
Tue, 12 Nov 2002 22:42:50 -0500

I once had a very annoying intermittent problem with a Heathkit frequency
counter.  Just opening the case would correct the problem!  To make a long
story short - I was not sure if the problem was the "digit" or the driver.
The displays were plugged in so I swapped the problem digit into another
location to see if the problem moved or remained in the same place.  I got
lucky in that the problem went away permanently.  In my case the problem was
a bad connection in the socket that cleared up when I switched "digits"
around.  These were also 7 segment LED displays. Perhaps similar testing
will prove helpful IF the displays in the Scout are in sockets.

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