[TenTec] WTB: "Y" cable for Herc II

Michael Melland w9wis@charter.net
Wed, 13 Nov 2002 20:03:47 -0600

Well I finally did it.... I bought a very nice Hercules II amplifier to go
with my Omni.  Now to sell my Centaur <grin>.

What I do need is a "Y" cable so I can hook the amp up to the DB25 connector
on the rear of the Omni V at the same time I keep my remote tuning knob
hooked up.  I understand Ten-Tec sold just such a cable for use with the

Anyone have one they would part with ?

Michael Melland, W9WIS
Winneconne, Wisconsin USA EN54pc
qrp-l #1656 - qrparci # 9875 - iparc #252
ars #1075  -  http://webpages.charter.net/w9wis/