[TenTec] Re: This Sunday's Net - Any volunteers?
Edward Crawford
Sun, 17 Nov 2002 19:58:15 -0500
Hello to the gang.
I am sorry I was not available for the net today. I was in WV visiting =
with the parents for the weekend. Did not return home until well after =
the scheduled net time. I checked my messages Friday and apparently did =
not receive Mike's message until shortly after I had left.
Ron's reply is the only one I am aware of at this time. I would have =
to concur; Mike, if you would be so good as to make a schedule of NCS's =
to take the net, I will gladly do my part. I realize the ability to be =
able to pick up a net on short notice is all part of the program, and I =
have no problem with this. But if I'm not here, it ain't possible.
As to the debate regarding UTC vs. time zones, I would like to =
reiterate something I mentioned on the list previously. For anyone who =
is interested, I have a Time Conversion Chart I will gladly copy and =
provide to anyone who needs it. Anyone who has the 10-10 International =
Net handbook already has this; it's on the back cover. It is all broken =
down in time zones: Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific, Standard =
time and Daylight savings time, and converts all this into UTC time. =
It's actually very simple. Sort of like metric measurements, something =
people are not familiar with they automatically object to.
Anyway, I hope to hear you all on the net. Let's all support Mike in =
his efforts and make this a success.
73 for now, de Ed, W4WVW.
----- Original Message -----=20
From: wd5fun@earthlink.net=20
To: Michael A. Newell, WB4HUC ; Ed Crawford ; Rusty Kirkpatrick ; Ron =
Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2002 7:27 AM
Subject: RE: This Sunday's Net - Any volunteers?
Just got your message about Sunday's net. I would rather do another =
Sunday if OK. Will be tied up most of the day. Please just set a =
schedule and I will do which ever Sunday I am assigned.
-----Original Message-----
From: Michael A. Newell, WB4HUC [mailto:mnewell1@austin.rr.com]
Sent: Friday, November 15, 2002 6:40 PM
To: Ed Crawford; Ron McKean; Rusty Kirkpatrick; Ron Zoerb
Subject: This Sunday's Net - Any volunteers?
Ron, Rusty, Ron, and Ed:
I want to thank you guys for volunteering to rotate
net control duties with me.
I realize it's short notice, but if anyone wants to
volunteer for the duty this Sunday, it's open.=20
I will be there, and if no one can take over this
week, no problem. But I'd like to get you guys
to thinking about some sort of rotation.=20
There's five of us, so we'd each be on less than
once per month, and I should always be around=20
for those times that someone can't make it.
Remember to click 'reply all' so everyone can
see your reply.
So if someone wants the duty this Sunday,
let me know.
Mike - WB4HUC
Austin, TX
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