[TenTec] F/S or Trade: TT gear (more goodies!)

k7gt@attbi.com k7gt@attbi.com
Fri, 22 Nov 2002 22:21:05 +0000

Tentec fans and fanatics,

My K2 has now been traded toward a second OmniVI, so there is now a glut of 
wonderful Tentec gear in the shack. I would prefer trade offers to cash deals, but 
will consider all.

I have  a Corsair I, fully loaded with the three optional filters.  Its probably a 9+/10- rig
appearance/electrical.  $350 firm or value, $480 with remote VFO. (VFO NOT separate)

Also, OmniV with all four optional filters (500 Hz in main IF, 1.8, 500, and 250 in
Bandpass IF).  Also 9+/10- in condition. VHFers, please note the OmniV has
a separate interface connector for transverters. $750 firm or value. I have two
OmniV.9 chips to go with this if you wish to try the N4PY mod. I was about to do
that but moot now.

TT701 mike (very new) $25

TT705 mike (an older version) $50

I am looking for:

TT 238 tuner (to match OmniVI)

Hercules II with or without p.s. (although cannot necessarily pay the difference)

a clean 200W TT tuner with SWR/Power metering (its for a new ham friend)

TT 253 auto tuner (!)

TT Centurion or Titan (also cannot presently pay the difference)

perhaps a very clean Scout with mobile mount and lots of modules.

or (non-Tentec)

a very clean IC706IIG , FT847, FT897 or TS50S

A good clean non-TT tuner (like MFJ 969, etc.)

A Butternut HF2V vertical

I am not interested in either a Pegasus or Jupiter. In about a decade I will try for
an Orion, but not ready for software defined radios yet even though I understand the

73 and have a great Thanksgiving week/weekend ahead. Watch out for that
contest, it starts in less than two hours now.

Allan  K7GT

Pleasanton CA