Michael Melland
Sat, 23 Nov 2002 10:36:42 -0600
Geeze Bill..... I don't know about Icom but about 10% of the Yaesu FT-817's
develop a problem that takes out final transistors and other components.
Sometimes within hours of being new. Five guys bought FT-817's with me at
the same time from our area (all different production codes) in July 2001
and all but two of us have had to send the radios in for an "upgrade" as
Yaesu calls it after they were found dead. Mine actually failed 2 hours
after turning it on new and at about 15 minutes of ssb transmit time. Yaesu
had my 2 hour old radio for 3.5 months figuring out an "engineering
solution"! One of the radios has failed twice with similar problems.
I know of people who have had similar quality control problems with Icom
746/Pros and 756/ Pro/II's as well.........and it will likely continue with
the Pro III/IV/V/VI ad nauseum.... and I like Icom too.
I think as technology pushes forward we may see more of this. So after
having my FT-817 in my hands for only about 30% of the 1.5 years I owned it
(rest was at Yaesu repair) I really appreciate Ten-Tec more. At least when
you do have a problem they bust their ass best as they can to get you parts
or get it fixed.... and when you call there you talk to real people who know
what they are talking about. Ever try that lately with YaeKomWood ?
As for me I had only bought the 817 to try out while waiting for the
Argonaut V 516 to be released. I took delivery of my new 516 last week (817
is long gone to a new home.... not sold to a friend and sufficiently far
enough away) and can't say enough good about it !
Mike, W9WIS