[TenTec] PTO rebuild kit-TritonIV
Sat, 23 Nov 2002 19:16:40 -0500
I've got a nice Triton IV that I've rebuild the external VFO for, and now
need to rebuild the one internal to the rig. Naturally, the problem is
the peanut butter lubricant.
I remember taking the Triton partially apart before giving up
on the VFO rebuild, as getting the thing out of the rig looked far
more daunting than the one in the external VFO.
I've ordered the kit from TT to do this, and they mentioned
that there's instructions in there. I'm pretty comfortable tearing into stuff,
but has anyone done this on a Triton IV, and can advise before
delving into it? As I remember before, it looked like you'd have to remove
all the dial stringing, and other control linkage in order to remove the VFO.
Best 73
John wb5oau
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