[TenTec] Key Clicks Made Visible!

Jim Reid jimr.reid@verizon.net
Thu, 28 Nov 2002 13:23:39 -1000

Happy Thanksgiving Weekend!

Have discovered a program,  using your mike,  computer
sound card with the mike plugged in,  and a free (for 15 days
use) downloadable program from Germany.  

The program uses fast Fourier Transforms to show the audio 
spectrum plus it shows the individual dits and dahs of a CW 
signal. It is called "MRP-40",  very interesting.  To check it out,
go to:


Note the sample screen shot showing a string of dits and dahs.
When key clicks (artifacts) are present,  there will be vertical
lines going,  maybe,  both above and below the initial dit or
dah;  also,  sometimes at the trailing edge of the CW element.
These are higher pitch artifacts,  if they go up,  and lower clicks
if the tails go down.

Good,  clean,  click free CW elements have NO tails,  either
going up or down.  Try it and see for yourselves -- clicks
exist on many signals,  and also,  many signals are very

Click on GoMax,  and the program selects the strongest
CW signal of the display to track;  or just click the mouse
on a string of dits/dahs of interest,  program again immediately
will track it.

The side tone pitch to which the FFT filter is tuned appears
in RED in the small window at the right of the MRP display.
You can fool around with the FFT settings and the speed of
the program.  

I now know that I am really hearing key clicks,  hi.  Listen
to the signals which show the "artifacts";  you can actually
hear the delta between clean signals and those not.

Just monitored K7UD (14031) who was running an Omni V at 70
watts at 37 wpm -- no clicks!

73,  Jim  KH7M