[TenTec] TenTec frequency accuracy

Dan N7NMD n7nmd@arrl.net
Fri, 04 Oct 2002 00:52:01 +0800

Well, before this topic dies out, I just want to throw my 2 cents in, 
and make a request..

I've noticed that most of the radio manufacturers out there are 
marketing gimmicks along with their radios to increase sales. I think 
the one that tops the list is the new RadShack dual-bander with a 
compass  inside it, but there's others like how many bits on your dsp 
chip, etc etc...

All that's good and well to increase sales, but given a choice, I would 
*MUCH* rather have a lower ppm frequency accuracy rating than a compass 
or a 128 bit dsp chip. It's just more useful.

Is a lower ppm useful? Certainly..it's easier to maneuver around the 
digital bands, with their several hertz deviation..and it's certainly 
more useful than a compass...or having clouds in my display background. 
But it doesn't make or break the radio.

All I'm saying is if I'm to be bamboozled into buying a rig over a 
gimmick, I'd rather have it be something really useful like higher 
resolution tuning.

-Dan N7NMD/9W2DU

(currently trying to use a shortwave radio to analyze the IARU 
beacons...with +- ~400 Hz leeway..it's a pain)