[TenTec] New Computer Coming
Jim Reid
Fri, 4 Oct 2002 12:04:39 -1000
Thank you to the many who have responded!
My old machine is running XP (upgraded from 98 a
few months ago). The new one will come with XP.
One or two of you suggested going to the Microsoft
Knowledge Base about XP at their web site. Did that,
and have learned that XP WILL transfer files and data
from the old to the new machine; only need to put a
null modem cable between COM serial ports on each
machine, and away goes the transfer. Have already
had a look at that via the XP Programs>Applications>
System Tools>Files and Settings Transfer Wizard.
Sure enough, a bunch of stuff can be sent over; but
eveidently NOT applications -- as a few of you have
said, application data is scattered all over the C drive!
Ok, now the iOmega drive I have is NOT a ZIP drive; it
is an External Hard Drive. It is called drive F on my old
machine; runs via a USB port. If I select drive F, I can
actually run programs apparently from the data/applications
"backed up" to drive F: have run ACE-HF propagation program;
Geoclock; Logic 6; and even N4PY's Pegasus icon will run,
but it asks for a password when attempting to run from the F
drive (I of course have forgotten the PW Carl had emailed
to me, so could not run the Pegasus/RX-340 from F as yet).
Anyway, it seems to me that what is over on this external
hard drive must be a complete "image" of the C drive, which
one of you suggested would be required. But, can this
image be transferred back to the C drive on the new machine
with the external HDD plugged into a USB port on that new
computer?? Maybe there is still stuff on the C drive which is
what is really making it possible to run programs stored as
back up on the F drive.
Any added thoughts with this new info for you?
73, Jim KH7M