[TenTec] Have you Noticed
Bill Marvin KB9IV
Fri, 04 Oct 2002 17:27:42 -0500
I am a Ten Tec backer but I have to say something. Does Ten Tec miss the boat where
digital and RF are concerned? It seems that most late products gave Digital noise
especially on 10 Meters. I owned a Omni 6+ and recently have a RX350 that has
enought Digital RF noise on 10 meters to make it uselsss.
The RX350 has a digital sample that makes the 10 meter band noisy and sounds like
a car has its engine running!! Will the much anticipated Orion suffer the same fate??
I don't think Ten Tec has people accually using these products.
The Omni 6+ I once owned has so much Digital noise on 10 meters that I was shocked.
Get with it Ten Tec.......this is 2002!!
Bset 73