[TenTec] Tokyo Hy-Power QRP amps

john johnmb@nc.rr.com
Fri, 04 Oct 2002 21:44:15 -0400

There's a lot of them being purchased for the FT817. I'm sure
you can use your plastic to wing one your way, given a half hour
or so, of searching on the net. Same is true of scanners that cover
the cell bands. Check almost any of the Canadian ham internet shops!

Pass a law, solve a problem, you know!

John wb5oau

At 09:03 PM 10/4/02 -0400, Ron Notarius WN3VAW wrote:
>How do these amps get into the US?
>Easy.  Someone travelling outside the US purchases one or two for their own
>use and brings them home with them.
>Is it legal to import one?
>If it's for your own personal use, I don't see why not.  The prohibition is
>on manufacturing them for commercial sale, not on owning them or building
>them for your own personal use (within limits)
>Is the 24-35 MHz amplifier ban due for modification?
>Absolutely.  It was a bad law when passed, even though there were reasons.
>And considering how much personal communications has changed in the last 20
>years, I don't think we have to worry about a glut of illegal CB amps
>returning to 27 MHz.  Anyone up for co-writing a petition for rule making?
>I'll help!
>73, ron wn3vaw
>"And they give you cash,
>which is just as good as money!"
>Yogi Berra, AFLAC Commercial, 2002
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Winston F. Jones <winjones@ix.netcom.com>
>To: <tentec@contesting.com>
>Sent: Friday, October 04, 2002 8:00 PM
>Subject: [TenTec] Tokyo Hy-Power QRP amps
>I've been reading postings about a Tokyo Hy-Power HF amp that will amplify
>5-10 watts to 50-plus watts on all HF bands of 80-10. It sounds like it
>would be a good mate for the Argonaut V and other similar QRP rigs when you
>want to run QRO.
>The Argo 509 plus the 405 amp were a good pair in their day before the FCC
>put an end to their manufacture.
>My question: How do these Tokyo Hy-Power amps get into the U.S. and  is it
>legal to import one from Japan or another country?
>Personally, I feel it's time for the FCC to make the amp law more reasonable
>since so many low-power ham rigs are now being manufactured and there's a
>new market for such an amp. It seems to me that a simple requirement of
>having to have a ham license to buy one would be good enough to keep them
>from the illegal market.
>73, Winston  K4CWQ
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