[TenTec] Jupiter Microphone?

Steve Ellington n4lq@iglou.com
Mon, 7 Oct 2002 21:37:44 -0400

I think we can safely conclude that a few JA rigs came with mics but TenTec
rigs did not. I've bought several used TT rigs and the seller included the
TT hand mic so I assumed they came that way when new. Guess not.

Steve Ellington N4LQ.
----- Original Message -----
From: <n8coo@juno.com>
To: <scott@wowpage.com>
Cc: <TenTec@contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, October 06, 2002 8:02 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Jupiter Microphone?

> All of the rigs I purchased way back when never came with microphones
> (Drake, Heathkits, Kenwood).   In more recent history I owned an Icom
> 735, which was featured as a mobile type rig (although mine, like most,
> were used as a base station) and I suppose that is why it came with a
> hand mic.  Of course my 2 meter mobile rigs came with hand mics also.  I
> dug around and found a July 1981ad for an Argosy -  it doesn't mention
> anything about a mic,and doesn't show one in the picture, so I assume it
> didn't come with one(?).   Another catalog I have, from around 1989/1990
> (I believe), shows the Paragon, the Delta II, and the Argonaut II in it,
> and it doesn't show any of the rigs as coming with a mic.  A small photo
> of a 705 desk mic is at the bottom of the Argonaut II page, and next to
> , then below it says: 700C Hand mic, electret.,... etc., then: 705 Desk
> mic, electret...etc. So I think both the hand mic and desk mic were
> extra-cost accessories, at least that year.
> 73 de Mark N8COO
> On Sun, 6 Oct 2002 03:51:50 -0400 "Scott Johnson" <scott@wowpage.com>
> writes:
> > No microphone.  I was a but surprised too.  I had never bought a rig
> > before
> > that didn't include at least a hand mic.  Even most earlier Ten-Tec
> > rigs
> > did.  I bought mine at the Ten-Tec hamfest and planned on using it
> > on the
> > way home, so I was glad I had my old Scout along ... same mic, it
> > appears
> > that all Ten-Tec mics are created equal! :)
> >
> >      Scott
> >
> > --
> > Scott Johnson (scott@wowpage.com) (s.johnson@klotzdigital.com)
> > ICQ: 30730876 ICBM: N33 45 50.6 W84 49 31.3 (+- 3dB)
> >
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