[TenTec] microphones and 12-meter antennas

William Mansey; WA2PVK res0wsci@verizon.net
Mon, 7 Oct 2002 12:33:37 -0400

In my case this is true on 17 meters with my Jupiter.  I am currently
studying which of the following microphones results in the lowest SWR on the
most bands:  Ten-Tec hand mic., Ten-Tec Model 705 desk mic., Heil HM-10, or
Heil Goldline.  Tests are inconclusive at this time but I will post the
results prior to the end of the century - on a Tuesday!  :-)    73; Bill
PS: Thought I had found another dead horse but it turned out to be a horse
of a different color!   Bummer!  :-(

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