[TenTec] CW Filters
Tue, 8 Oct 2002 22:39:00 EDT
Most solid state transmitters emit a signifgant amount of "phase noise."
You can clearly see these spurious emissions on the ARRL labs spectral purity
pictures. Since they are transmitted over a wide band near the transmitter
frequency they make life in close proximity to other transmitters miserable.
We have tried a couple of highly touted rigs that we could not use at all
because of their phase noise. While the Omni VI is the quietest of the rigs
we have tried at field day, the only solution we have found is to reduce the
output power to the 60-70 watt level. We can run two VI's with their antennas
less than 150 feet apart on the same band but different modes without serious
interference at that level. We cannot operate on the same band and mode
without serious interference. And extra filters won't help.
73 Pete Allen AC5E
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