[TenTec] Ten-Tec Argonaut 516 Discussion Group:
clinton h
Thu, 10 Oct 2002 20:16:47 -0700 (PDT)
Apparently you haven't read the Yahoo privacy
policy... Anyway, it's not like I am twisting your arm
to join, good grief. Don't get your shorts in a bind,
okay? Besides, if you don't want e-mail delivered to
your Inbox just read and post directly on the website:
As for "fragmenting", I created a group, nearly 150
members and rapidly growing now, that is specifically
dedicated for the Argonaut V QRP radio, no more, no
less. What's wrong with that? It seems perfectly
logical to me, and apparently to 150 or so others
too... And the site is much more than just an e-mail
reflector. There are sections to share files, polls,
links, photos, and more. (When & as they get added by
me and other users of the site that is.) It's a site
for sharing information on this particular radio. Like
I said, take it or leave it. No need to get bent out
of shape over it and start spam rumors. Try to have
fun, after all that's what this is all about.
Clinton Herbert AB7RG
e-mail: ab7rg@arrl.net
eHam.net Speak Out Manager
eHam.net News Manager
eHam.net Articles co-manager
QRZ.com Trivia Manager
Member: ARES / ARRL / Human Race
Volunteer Examiner: ARRL / W5YI
Ten-Tec Model 516 Argonaut V Yahoo Groups e-mail list
arizonaham Yahoo Groups e-mail list Owner/Moderator
"All paid jobs absorb and degrade the mind." --
"You're not really mad until you find yourself
stomping on an eyeball..."
--- Steve Ellington <n4lq@iglou.com> wrote:
> Yea. Sign up for a Yahoo group and get tons of spam
> from Yahoo. No thanks. I
> had to get my ISP to block all Yahoo material.
> Fragmenting into separate
> groups doesn't seem logical unless there is some
> reason this TenTec product
> is expected to generate excessive email.
> Steve Ellington N4LQ.
Do you Yahoo!?
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