[TenTec] Paragon computer control question.......
Fri, 11 Oct 2002 23:24:13 EDT
Hello fellow listers,
I am looking for the RS-232 interface for the Paragon 1, and I also have a
question pertaining to that subject. How much control is actually available
with the supplied software? Other than band change and possibly mode and freq
change what else is available with the software? Is there third party
software available for more complete function control? My Paragon has the
Geihl software chip upgrade installed. Does this effect the operation of the
standard computer control software? Is there a conflict with the Geihl chip
and the supplied computer control package? Sorry for the 20 questions, but I
just recently purchased this Paragon, and I am rather new to the Ten Tec
line. Thanks in advance...........Bill in Missouri
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