[TenTec] FS: Ten-Tec Omni A ,Series B
Dave Redfearn
Sun, 13 Oct 2002 20:54:53 -0500
For Sale:
Ten-Tec Omni A
160 - 10 Meter HF Transceiver
The Model 545 Omni A is a solid state SSB/CW HF transceiver covering 160
- 10 Meters plus the 30 & 12 Meter WARC bands. It will transmit up to
100 watts on SSB and CW.
The radio features: Analog frequency display, RIT, ALC, VOX, NOTCH
attenuator, and selectable CW audio filters.
The optional Noise Blanker in installed.
This appears to be a series B since it has the front panel NOTCH control
(factory) instead of the SQUELCH control and it has the IF filter board
installed. The filter board has labeled positions for the optional 1.8
and .5 KHz crystal filters. The optional filters are not installed.
The radio works well. The case has slight scratches.
The PTO works well and the dial pointer returns properly.
Overall cosmetics 8 - 9.
The manual is included. I may be able to find a power connector also.
Asking $225.00 OBO + shipping from 75070
73 - Dave
Dave Redfearn, ARS N4ELM, McKinney, TX
Email: n4elm@NOJUNKhome.com (to reply, remove NOJUNK)
QRL? de N4ELM/qrp