[TenTec] TWINCOM feedline ?????????????

john johnmb@nc.rr.com
Mon, 14 Oct 2002 20:22:00 -0400

Hi George,
If it's real ladder line you're looking for, W7FG has it for sale...
John wb5oau

At 06:20 PM 10/14/02 -0400, George Osier wrote:
>Hello All !!!!!
>While looking thru antenna makers listed on the net I went to TITANEX
>........ Incredible antennas !!!!!
>But what caught my eye was TWINCOM feedline that looks like a combination of
>normal cord used for appliances and coax .................. 250 ohm but
>similar in respects to ladder line ....... seems like it would be a good way
>to get closer to the performance of ladder line ????????????
>Anyone ever use this stuff and what did you think ????????????
>George Osier , N2JNZ / QRP
>TenTec mailing list
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