[TenTec] Open wire
Thu, 17 Oct 2002 02:55:04 +0100
Hi everyone,
I thought he was kind of funny...hi hi...of course the Ten Tec users
crack sort of rubbed me the wrong way.
Seriously, though, I think I can understand the point he was trying to
make. However, I would take issue with that this subject is somehow
endearing only to Ten Tec users. I have seen this subject discussed in
other venues with proponents of balanced feeders - owning all brands of
radios - and there can be some interesting discussions. But lest the
novice or unwary come across this thread and think that somehow open
wire, balanced feeders, tuned feeders or whatever you want to call them,
are the answer - let them know - "use with caution"! I own a Paragon
and have heard hams complain the logic on it will go crazy in the
presence of RF. I myself have never had a problem with any of my radios
now since I stick with reasonably matched antennas, coax feeders, and a
common ground with a very short connection to my ground rod. My
experiments back when with balanced feeders resulted in rig problems,
(incidentally, an ICOM), computer problems (both directions), high
receive noise, TVI, phone interference, etc. Yes, I realize my
implementation was probably poor and my attempts to tune the feeders
weren't a truly "balanced" approach, (just getting them through the wall
of an aluminum-sided house is itself a challenge), but my point is, like
most things, is that one size doesn't fit all, and proceed with caution.
And in closing, I'm glad to see there is a lot of experimentation going
on out there and people trying different things - that's one of the
things that makes this hobby so great. And I'm the first to say, "what
goes around comes around", sometimes we can learn a new way to do an old
trick, so to speak.
And if you want dull, that's OK too...I sure hated it when my XYL was on
my case about my operating! I learned - don't mess with her TV and
phone, hi hi!
73 de Mark N8COO
On Wed, 16 Oct 2002 18:30:52 -0400 "Gary Hoffman"
<ghoffman@spacetech.com> writes:
> I think that a technical discussion like the one we have been having
> is very interesting. Certainly there is much room for divergent
> opinions
> on the usefullness of item X vs item Y. Sarcasm, on the other hand,
> is
> unhelpfull.
> 73 de Gary, AA2IZ
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <n4lq@iglou.com>
> To: <TenTec@contesting.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 2:51 PM
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] Open wire
> > Mention open wire feeders on this reflector and you'll get plenty
> of
> > information. Seems like TenTec users tend to use the stuff for
> some
> > reason. Perhaps TenTec users are likely to be more technically
> > knowledgeable than those using other brands.
> > Open wire feeders are cool. They make a ham station look like
> radio is
> > really happening. A real open wire person should always mount a
> huge
> > knife switch on the wall, run the feeder through it and hang some
> RF
> > ammeters or lamps on the wire so something either moves or blinks.
> The
> > effect is very impressive to visitors.
> > When I use open wire, I always keep my little Lafayette field
> strength
> > meter handy. Hold down the key and move the meter around the
> shack. Watch
> > it go up when you get around the rig. Watch the needle slam to the
> peg
> > when you get near the feeder!
> > Loops seem to be the tamest antennas with open wire feeders but
> those
> > center fed zepps can really charge up the ole shack. Try feeding
> an 80
> > meter dipole with about 60ft of open wire and see what happens on
> 40
> > meters. The swr is sky high. Immediately the experts rave about
> how low
> > the loss is, how easy it is to match, how all you need is a tuner
> etc.
> > bla bla and there you are with computer noise, blinking florescent
> > lights,
> > keyers going wild, audio hum, flashing frequency displays and
> fried lips.
> >
> > So on we go with ideas about using balanced tuners, current
> baluns,
> > counterpoise, multitudes of ground rods, changing length of
> feeders,
> > floating tuners, RF chokes, ferrite beads, special antenna lengths
> etc.
> > and all the time we keep bragging about how our open wires are so
> > efficient. I love it. Being surrounded by all that RF makes me
> feel like
> > I'm really getting out however, recently I had to move my shack to
> the
> > middle of the house and running open wire was not practical. Now I
> run RG-
> > 213 to a 160m "windom" and joined the coax crowd. My little
> Lafayette
> > meter is motionless, no computer noise, no burnt lips, no tuner
> > needed....What a boring existence!
> >
> > N4LQ
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: "Paul DeWitte K9OT" <k9ot@mhtc.net>
> > To: <TenTec@contesting.com>
> > Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2002 10:52:40 -0500
> > Subject: [TenTec] Open wire
> >
> > > I use open wire (the plastic windowed stuff) to feed a
> horizontal loop
> > > up
> > > about 40 feet on my tower. To keep the line from blowing all
> over in
> > > the
> > > wind I thread a 1/8 inch nylon rope through the windows every 2
> or 3
> > > feet
> > > from one end to the other. I tie it to the support at the top
> that
> > > holds the
> > > loop and have an anchor at the bottom with a tarp strap hooked
> to it at
> > > the
> > > bottom. All of the strain is on the rope and the feed line
> doesnt flex
> > > so it
> > > lasts much longer.(doesnt break by flexing). I think instead of
> > > worrying if
> > > the line radiates or not try it and if it works use it and if it
> dont
> > > try
> > > something else (personal opinion only). 73 Paul K9OT
> > >
> > >
> > > _______________________________________________
> > > TenTec mailing list
> > > TenTec@contesting.com
> > > http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/tentec
> > >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > TenTec mailing list
> > TenTec@contesting.com
> > http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/tentec
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