[TenTec] F/S: TT Omni VI Plus, 962 P/S, 5 filters

W1XV@cs.com W1XV@cs.com
Thu, 17 Oct 2002 19:27:00 EDT

I am offering a late model Omni VI Plus, matching 962 power supply, and 5 
282,288,217,218, and 219 in excellent condition for $1800 shipped to the 
lower 48
states. Non smoking environment. Only one small ding on the top aluminum trim
piece keeps this rig from being in like-new condition. Guranteed not DOA!!!!! 
email direct to w1xv@cs.com or call me in NH at 603-224-5737 no later than 
Tnx es 73  Brad W1XV

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