[TenTec] "Yahoo"

William Mansey; WA2PVK res0wsci@verizon.net
Sun, 20 Oct 2002 11:01:49 -0400

I also had bad experiences with Yahoo after they bought out Prodigy and =
proceeded to ruin it quite effectively!  The ONLY good thing I have to =
say about Yahoo is that they did give me a refund for the unused part of =
my paid annual subscription to Prodigy.
I have had VERY good luck with two programs that deal with advertising.  =
One is called "NoPops" (I wonder why?) and the other is called =
"AdsGone".  Both work very well but I have found that AdsGone is the =
better of the two.  It is customizable so that it can either tell you =
what it is blocking or be set to block stuff without bothering you with =
the gory details.  I have it set that way and have NO problem with =
advertising.  I have Verizon DSL now but there are still plenty of ads. =
(or were until I started using AdsGone)
I regret that I do not recall where I got this program!  It was possibly =
featured on "NoNags Plus" but I am not sure.  Perhaps it can be found by =
doing a search with Google or some similar tool.  Good Luck & 73,  Bill

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