[TenTec] Re: G5RV
Stuart Rohre
Tue, 22 Oct 2002 13:33:47 -0500
I did this with the ZS6BKW version ,(WARC optimized) G5RV about 10 years
ago. It is called the K5KVH antenna, and has all the doublet part and the
ladder line or twin line part in same horizontal plane. One of the best DX
antennas I have ever had.
One example of its utility was on 20m where I was in round table with VK,
ZL, a KL7 and a station in Chile, (CE) all at same time and was only one to
hear all with S9 signals, and they could hear me that well also. I am in
Central Tx.
The antenna played super well for DX on 40m to such as Norfolk Island SSB at
100 watts or less, and was low in SWR except 15m was 3:1 and poorer pattern
into Pacific rim, it seemed. (Lobing most likely).
It is a good antenna, and would be better by my final modification, a bow
tie 15 m dipole, run off same feeder, and supported off the longer doublet.
Mine worked all that DX at only average height of 15 to 20 feet!
Was not peak of sunspot cycle either, and max power 100 watts SSB.
Stuart K5KVH